Thursday, November 17, 2011

obama will be reelected /kardashians/the future

the two that will run for 2012 will be mitt rommey and obama ,,, the race will be tight but obama will win again,,, now the protests will really start,,,, there is no where out,,, except bankruptsy,,, and that is what is going to happen ,,, all the protestors will do nothing and with their unfortunate effort it will have no impact , because the only remedy is to start over from scratch,,, and that will happen ,,, it is not obamas fault..he it is years of greed and now there is no cash flow,,, welcome to the death of retail,,, kardashians are over ,,, they symbolize greed,,, they will go down just like paris hilton did ,,, famous to be famous,,, the kardashians are not what this country needs now,,, they went over the top with the stupid wedding of kim and throwing the top part of the wedding cake in the garbage,,, this was set up and everyone knows it ,,, it is over for them,,, they again symbolize greed and foolish behavior,,, watch for the girls divorcing and leaving the family,,,, goodbye lamar and scott,,,, good times werehad by all ... it is now time for serious repair to this country and real business with foundations,,,, when this happens the stock market will soar,,,, gold will fall to 395 an oz and the foolish ones will fall by the wayside,,, banks will close offices and there will be fewer of them as cutbacks are on the way and they will flush out all the fat cats from the banking industry,,, loans will start to be given again ... small businesses will start to pick up... mexico will start to be a meca of health and the borders will be cleaned up ,,, americans will flow down to mexico to build and live,,, pot will be legal and the crime taken out of it,,,, no profit as the people can grow their own ,,, life will be easier ,,, and as far as the housing industry,,, houses will fall again to prices that are affordable to all... back to the 5o,s ... the small houses will be 50 or 60K not 500K ,,, they are not an investment ,,, only a place to live,,, life will get better and it will be at least 5 years until this is accomplished,,, watch for farms using smaller plots of land and small growers as an industry,,, better choices of food and more jobs with small time growers that will make the food industry have more choices and better prices,,, more small independant markets like wholefoods but better prices and choices,,,, cars will be smaller again,,,, much like the volks beetle... finally there will be a third party in washington and that will make the government stand up and cut big brother greed down ,,, congress will only be a 2 year term ,,, and terms for city employees on city councils will be short ,,, more turnovers as that is the way to control .. greed and overspending,,, things are going to get easier,, the entire 2008 crash was the end of corporate and independent greed ,,,,

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